Saturday, June 26, 2010

Background to Matchbox Moments

Sitting in a doctor surgery flicking through the Readers Digest I was inspired by a project undertaken by Sonya Gee called the Matchbox Project.

“Each week, a decorated matchbox with a tiny present hidden inside is left by a girl (and sometimes willing friends) somewhere in her travels. It's a random act of semi-artistic kindness aimed at disrupting someone's day in a tiny but positive way. That's if they dare to pick it up...”

I just loved the concept, such a wonderful idea. I understand that in February this year Sonya decided to say goodbye and finish making matchboxes. So I guess I have decided continue on and start my own matchbox moments. I am going to make hand decorated matchboxes and place a quote of inspiration inside them. I am then going to leave them in random places for people to discover and enjoy. My aim is to bring a moment of joy into someone’s life. My intention for this blog is to share my creative journey.

One of my favourite quotes is from Scott Adams Dilbert Creator

“Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.”

I would love you to join me on this journey.

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